
Your turn


Your Turn


Now it is your turn! This section of the lesson contains:

  • Part 1: An online skill assessment
  • Part 2: An at home assignment

The skill assessment below contains 10 questions to assess your general knowledge of the material covered in this lesson and to help prepare you for the activity in Part 2 of this assignment in which you will complete a load of laundry at home. During an upcoming class, your teacher will hand out specific instructions for Part 2 of the assignment.

Instructions - Part 1: Complete the skill assessment below by first typing your name in the box and then selecting the best answer to each of the 10 questions. When you are done, click the Submit button just below the last question to submit your final responses to your teacher. Your responses will be graded and your score on this assessment will contribute to your final grade for this module. Feel free to use any of the materials in this lesson to answer the questions.

Part 1: Skill Assessment
Student Name:

Q1. If you already know the fabric type, it is not necessary to read the care label for specific washing and drying instructions.

Q2. Bleach can damage brightly colored items.

Q3. Fabric softeners are primarily used to:

Q4. Items made of wool and silk are usually:

Q5. White cotton sheets can be safely washed with:

Q6. Washing machine models offer different cycle settings and options.

Q7. To get more laundry done at one time, tightly pack the laundry into the washing machine.

Q8. The lint filter on the dryer should be cleaned:

Q9. If an item can be washed in the washing machine, it can be dried in the dryer.

Q10. The dryer will automatically stop at the end of the drying cycle.

When you are done answering the questions, click Submit to turn in your skill assessment responses to your teacher. Only complete this assessment once.



Part of the Life Lessons Series
Fish Lake High School
Spring 2007